- Nextjs12 does massively for DX.
- URL imports now work.(ES modules support)
- → Really? This honestly feels a bit risky
- Nextjs → Rust compiler(SWC)
- Reduce build time by 50%
- 3 times faster fast refresh
- 5 times faster prod builds
- Nextjs checks? → Automatic checks for when you push.(checkly)
- Middlewares
- pages/edge/_misddleware.ts
→ can get user's geo location in the edge.
- Server components → zero client side javascript, server components.
- data fetching at the component level.
- [name].server.js → server components.
- let's you choose where components render.
- Granular caching in component level.
- Future is at the Edge.
→ vercel.com/edge → available already.
- nextjs.org/12 to upgrade.
- Nextjs, tailwind, NextAuth, Prisma, planetscale?
- Prisma → Good ORM. Easy to use.
- NextAuth has adapter for Prisma. Easy to use.
- Planetscale → recommended. Non blocking schema migrations. Easy to create.
- Automatically copy migration data(prisma)
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